
DELIGHT’s human-like AI listens and responds in over 30 languages to give your customers a surprisingly better, more efficient call center experience.

Try it for yourself in the languages below.

Language Telephone number 
Japanese  +81 3-4578-2017
English  +1 628-270-1093
+44 20 3885 9226
+61 2 8310 5656
Arabic +41 31 528 20 12
Afrikaans +41 31 528 20 10
Bengali +41 31 528 20 09
Bulgarian +41 31 528 19 92
Chinese (Traditional) +1 628-207-4543
Chinese (Simplified) +1 628-270-7152
Danish +41 31 528 20 07
Dutch +41 31 528 20 06
Estonian +41 31 528 20 05
Finnish +41 31 528 20 01
French +41 22 518 10 70
Germany +41 22 518 10 38
Greek +41 31 528 19 96
Hindi +91 22 5097 2909
+41 22 518 10 73
Indonesian +1 628-270-7245
Italian +41 22 518 10 82
Khmer +81 50 5050 0795
Kiswahili +41 31 528 19 95
Korean +1 628 219 0031
Norwegian +41 31 528 19 93
Polish +48 22 104 72 97
Portuguese  +55 11 5026 7921
Romanian +41 31 528 19 82
Serbian +41 31 528 19 81
Slovenian +41 31 528 19 72
Spanish +34 919 03 05 04
Swedish +41 31 528 19 80
Tamil +41 31 528 19 79
Turkish +41 31 528 19 78
Ukrainian +41 31 528 19 76
Vietnamese +41 22 518 10 38