Ndaki visits Japan (Volleyball, Japan, Cameroon)

Nndaki Mbourey (representing Cameroon), who played for the Sakai Blazers in the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 seasons, arrived at Kansai International Airport on Thursday afternoon, October 8, and joined the team. Cameroon finished 3rd in the African Continental Championships in Morocco, which will be held in Japan in November, and although Cameroon did not qualify for the championships, Ndaki was awarded the Best Spiker.
We are in charge of Ndaki's management.

Ndaki's profile

A player with a high level of perfection as an Opposite. He has experience as a middle blocker and is also a good blocker.
He has a calm personality. Lives in France and has two children.

Nationality Cameroon
Birthday May 5, 1979
Height 199cm Position Opposite 
Club History  
2007-2010 Sakai Blazers        
2006-2007 Goelo volleyball Pro A (French part league)
National team history Beijing Olympic Qualification
2009 African Continental Championships, etc.

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